Saturday, November 6, 2010

Turn around, turn around, turn around and she's a young girl walking out of the door

Good evening loyal followers:

I write tonight in shock. My beautiful little innocent princess has kissed a boy! Not just any boy, a younger boy! It happened right before my eyes and at church of all places! Here's the situation...Carter was at church today and don't get me wrong he's a pretty cute little guy and apparently quite the ladies' man. He kept following Lily around all day and they were playing. First he was a monster that was chasing them around, then he was running like a maniac with her in the nursery, then he asked her to dance and then he just puckered up and asked for a kiss...and what does Lily do, she kisses him! Just like that!  Talk about Rico Sauve, or Don Juan...I mean really. My family thought I was forward giving my first grade boyfriend a little smoochy smooch, but seriously, she's 4, people! The husband sees nothing wrong with this...of course this is coming from the man who kissed 90% of eligible women ( I assume they were eligible, but you know what they say when you assume...) in the greater North American Continent. He says well it means nothing, but what's next, isn't kissing the gateway drug to some other illicit behavior? Where did I go wrong in my parenting? At least it wasn't Emma going around kissing boys, of course, she also was quite taken with Carter, so I wouldn't be surprised if some sort of sibling rivalry arises from this. I'm going to invest in some sturdy door locks tonight and chastity belts! If Santa Claus reads my blog, that is what the Van Horns need for Christmas this year!

A picture of a more innocent time, with a  little ice cream on her nose...ahh, *sigh* (this was only a year ago)

Okay, now that I've gotten that off my chest, I've now doubled my posts from October, and I don't want to spoil my readers too much by giving into their irrational desires for numerous blog entries.  I won't be writing one every day, probably not even every week...that's how I keep you coming back for more! Au revoir mes amis!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Once upon a time....

Hello wonderful world of blog followers:
I'm sure all of you have been missing an amazing post from me. That is not sarcasm, I believe that all my posts are amazing and that you all should be missing them when I go for a month or so without writing one. Some of you know, okay maybe only like one of you know that I've contemplated writing a book. Well it just so happens, that a co-worker of mine thinks that I would make an excellent author. I have a "cute sense of humor," she says and she would love reading a book from me! The problem comes in when my book would be chock full of sarcastic humor which somehow gets lost in translation. I write now as if the only problem I'd have in writing a book is that nobody would find the humor in it, however the bigger problem is writing a book that is longer than 10 pages or having a topic worth publishing! If any of you out there have an idea of a book for me to write, I'd sure be happy to hear about it!

Anyway, moving on. This past month as been crammed full of stuff. Lily turned 4 on October 25 and she desperately wanted to have another princess party. So because I have sucker written all over my face, I threw her a princess party. This year, it was complete with costumes! Of course, I failed her miserably when I was unable to complete the castle. She wanted a castle that she could play in, a pink castle with purple on it. I had gathered up some boxes and had begun to paint them and assemble them when I reached maximum burn-out. I am a procrastinator by nature, so I thrive on the pressure that comes when completing things last minute. The week of her birthday party, I had a 4 page paper to write, an assignment to turn in, and of course her castle cake to make, not to mention working night shift the night before her party or working throughout the week. Needless to say, the castle to play in, fell by the wayside! I know, I am a sorry excuse for a mother, how dare I promise a castle to my sweet little princess and then go back on my word? The husband assures me she'll be okay.

Aside from the birthday and the party, life is pretty uneventful. Classes are going great and by classes I mean the one class that I'm taking. My professor loves me (it's a web class but she makes comments on all of our assignments and I always receive glowing remarks) and as well she should, I'm pretty loveable! I have signed up for more classes for the winter quarter and am still looking into getting into a Master's program for counseling. 

Life is good, the Badgers are ranked higher than the Buckeyes in every poll and the Packers are doing well and the Vikings continue to lose. Can life get better? I suppose you know end of sickness and establing world peace would make life a bit better but who's asking anyway. I'll be bidding you adieu now until next time! 

Monday, October 11, 2010

Location, location, location

Hello all:

The title for today's post came as I was driving cross country to Texas. Okay let's be honest it's not cross country entirely but hey it was 1200 miles away! Anywho, while I was driving down the Music Highway of life...literally the part of interstate that I was on was called the Music Highway, I came across quite an interesting billboard. First of all let me explain where I was...I was careening my in-laws' prius down a mildly steep grade of a hill (or Mountain...) in the bible belt of Tennessee, when a billboard caught my eye. This aforementioned sign said "Prepare to meet thy God." Of course at 1:30 AM I found this pretty darn funny. It was located on the side of a hill and in order to read it, you really had to not be paying attention to your driving. I thought it was a great message and in reality I'm guessing more people end up getting to meet their God sooner rather than later after reading that! Talk about evangelizing! I mean who thought to put this message on a side of a mountain on a curve? But I guess it has a message and afterall it is all about location.

Speaking of location, who decides names of towns anyway? I mean we entered into Arkansas and came across a mile marker sign for Cotton Plant. Seriously folks, Cotton Plant? I mean really...was there a massive amount of cotton plants in that area at one point in time. What do you say yes I'm from Cotton Plant Arkansas and right down the road the next town over is Corn Field Arkansas? Creativity apparently has gone out the window in that part of the country. Of course this is also the state that is home to Arkadelphia--I'm sorry did I miss the part in geography where Arkansas is close to Philadelphia--because that it was it makes me think of. Maybe my mind was just confused because we were coming up on Texarkana and passing near Arklatex-which apparently is where Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma meet up. 

After we made it to Texas I encountered some of the worst drivers in the country! For example, say hypothetically you're sitting in a nice H3 Hummer-orange in color at stop light, when bam all of a sudden a car that turns the corner slams right into your rear-end! Hello folks, it's not like we were in some tiny smart car that you can't see! Also, do people even look when changing lanes anymore? Apparently nobody down in Texas has heard of a blindspot.

All in all, however we had a good trip and the girls were great during the ride! Driving straight through does take it's toll on all of us. So now I'm off to catch up on some zzzz's so that I can work tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Back to School, back to school, to show my dad I'm no fool....

Today was officially the first day back to school for me. However, since I'm being lazy (yes dad, lazy) I'm taking a web class. I was originally signed up for a patient care skills class and a physiology class, but those classes have now gone by the wayside. I was dreading the idea of taking those classes so I thought well I won't. I already took physiology the first time around in college (at that marvelous institution called UW-Madison) so I'm pretty p.o'd that this community college is making me take it again. Also, I've been reexamining my educational goals. Basically, I've been pretty put off by the shenanigans that they put you through to even get into a nursing program and then I thought, do I really want to do that? I've always wanted to help people and science always came pretty easy for me, so it seemed like a logical career choice. Since the medical school doctor job is no longer a viable option for me, I figured nursing would be the next best thing. However, I'm not sure that it is. I've been looking at some master's programs that offer a degree in child and family counseling. This career option would enable me to help people and since I'm pretty nosy and have always enjoyed listening to people's problems, this may be a better fit for me! I haven't solidfied any plans yet and I'm just taking a course now on marriage and family relations, so don't you all go getting your panties in a bundle.

I guess the bottom line is, I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. When I used to take those career assessment thingys in school they always popped up psychologist or doctor so I guess maybe my aptitude is for those things. The biggest thing I'm afraid of is disappointment. More disappointment that people view me as not living up to my full potential. They say "you've always talked about being a doctor..." yadda, yadda, yadda...I don't know...I'm not a big risk taker nor can I handle rejection, but I feel like exploring a different career option. Maybe I'm going through a pre-mid-life crisis! :) 

Alright, enough soul-searching for one blog entry! Good night world and have a beautiful tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Am I just talking to hear myself??

I never thought I'd reach the point in parenthood where I believe that when I say something out loud, it's not really outloud. I mean obviously if I was speaking audibly my children would respond, right? They would at least acknowledge the fact that I said some words. Right? When I say let's pick up the toys or don't take all the toys from the toy room up to the bedroom...I don't really think I just thought those things in my head. Apparently, though, my children do not understand why we can not take every single book and throw it down the stairs, or gather up all the shoes and hide them under the beds. They see no problems with these things. I tend to think I'm a pretty laid back person but as I'm looking around my now very cluttered living room wondering how all the couch pillows are now strewn about, I would just like to scream a little! It's not that I can't pick up after them it's just I tire of the never-ending adventure of finding the missing shoe. Why is it my beautiful babies can pick up toys at other people's houses or church but apparently at home, I must first threaten to throw them all away and then actually get a garbage bag and begin picking them up. I try not to lose it and then I look at them doing something adorably cute (see below) and realize that there are far more important things in life than a tidy house.

You never hear people wish that they had spent more time cleaning or doing chores after their kids are grown and gone. Most people wish they would have enjoyed their children while they had the chance. So as long as I remember that when I look at my previously cleaned bedroom, now full of shoes, books and stuffed animals, that what is important is their childhood and me being with them. My children are a blessing and I thank God every day that He has given me the opportunity to be their mom!

Monday, August 30, 2010

"On Wisconsin, On Wisconsin....Fight on for her fame, fight fellas fight fight fight to win this game"

As football season quickly approaches, my title for today's entry really has nothing to do with football. My husband has a bit of school song envy. It appears that my song "On Wisconsin" gets used quite a bit in various other media outlets. For example, watch Disney's Robin Hood and you'll hear "On Wisconsin" being played after the bow and arrow competition. Also apparently in the Beach Boys song "Be True to your school," On Wisconsin is also played. He just doesn't understand the awesomeness that is the Badger state and does not understand why a great song such as "On Wisconsin" is used as often as it is. I keep telling him that Wisconsin is great but he's in denial. Oh well, eventually he'll see the light. :)

I'm looking forward to football season as I do every year. However, I definitely miss going to the games at Camp Randall and seeing my beloved band. Instead, I'm surrounding by fans of worthless nuts hearing them constantly complain on how much they got cheated in some way or other during whatever game they played the past week. I mean really, apparently every single referee in the country is out to get the Buckeyes...I'm not sure you were aware of that. And I'd like you all to know that according to Buckeye fans, their poo doesn't stink. The sun rises and sets according to Jim Tressel. You may think I'm overexaggerating but spend one minute with a true Buckeye fan and you'll soon see my point. It is nauseatingly disgusting and annoying. My advice to all those unmarried people out there, don't ever marry someone who doesn't love your football team as much as you. Do NOT marry someone who is a die-hard fan of your rival or a team you despise with everything that is in your being. Trust me on this, your marriage with go through rougher times if you do not heed my warning.

I'll leave you with this, "If you wanna be a Badger just come along with me, by the bright shining light, by the light of the moon, if you wanna be a Badger just come along with me, by the bright shining light of the moon!"

Monday, August 9, 2010

Not by the Hair on my chinny chin chin

"Little Pig, Little pig, let me in..." "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin," replied the little pig. Or a different more favorable version, "Open up ham hocks or I'll chew on your face."

As I lay with my sweet baby Emma, I'm reminded of the "not by the hair of my chinny chin chin." I have failed miserably in the getting her to sleep by herself so now, she sometimes enjoys to hold on with a death grip to my chin/neck area. Perhaps she's just feeling out my jugular, in case I decide to leave her, she knows where to go for the kill! I do have to say though, as much as children can run you ragged, and by golly they can, there is nothing in life more precious than holding a sleeping baby or watching your children sleep. Perhaps as they get older, pure contentment comes with knowing you have a moments peace while they are resting.  As a parent gazes lovingly on their sleeping child, with a smile of pure satisfaction as the Hallelujah Chorus rings triumphantly in their head, they know that just for a moment all is right with the world.

I know many of my posts have been about my children but in all honesty most of my inspiration for this blog seems to stem from them. So until something more awesome than them comes into my life, which I'll let you in a on little secret won't happen, I'll be blogging about them or whatever else comes to mind. So enjoy!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

She thinks my tractor's sexy....

Alright, so my title today is from a stupid country song. However, right before I started my lovely blog today, Lily comes in the kitchen and says "I love playing with tractors...." It wasn't nearly as random as it sounds! She has a farm set thingy and she was playing with her tractor, which then prompted me to think of this ridicuously intelligence-deficient song.

Speaking of stupid country songs, since when did Billy Ray Cyrus become a movie star?? I mean seriously, he's not that great of an actor, and I just recently saw him in "The Spy Next Door" along with Jackie Chan. Why don't people just stick to what they do well?  I don't mean to offend those out there that believe that Billy Ray has got a lot of mad skills when it comes to acting, it is just my opinion that he doesn't. However, I do believe he has an achy breaky heart, and I just don't think you'd understand.... :)

Onto other news...I'm seriously considering possibly transferring to OSU (gasp) and I did have a minor myocardial infarction as well when I typed that...anywho, I'd be going for nursing (hopefully). If I did happen to attend that blasphemous university, I'd for most certain be wearing my Cardinal and White proudly! :) Is that wrong? I will forever be a Badger, no matter what! Anyway, I'd be transferring there because I'd get a BSN (bachelors of science in Nursing) in the same amount of time as an ADN (associates degree in nursing). It's just food for thought---there's not a guarantee that I'd get accepted. They'd probably take one look and see I graduated from UW-Madison and reject me on the spot--those darn worthless nuts! 

Alright, apparently I'm getting the kiddos ready for bed now, so I must be done with my rambling for the night. Until my next edition, adieu!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Here I go again on my own....

Alright for all 2 of you out there that are dying from anticipation for my next blog, here I go again.

As I have previously stated in my first post...which you can very easily go back and read, I have two darling children whom I would not trade for the world. However, I would like to add, never in my planning of having children did I ever think that I would be blessed with one who enjoys throwing themselves on the floor and attempting to bang their head on the ground(it is only an attempt, seeing as Emma is fairly intelligent she knows that nothing is really worth her self-inflicting pain---those are precious brain cells in there and she does not want to waste them on such silly matters as really banging her head on the floor). I walk in the door from work tonight...after working 12 gloriously long hours, to a delicious aroma of garlic and Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce....(the husband made dinner---BBQ pulled pork...yum) anywho, I did not immediately get to enjoy my dinner. Since I had been away from Emma for 12+ (more like 13 hours), she felt (and let's be honest always feels) like she can not leave my side. Everytime I attempted to put her down to fill my face with some deliciousness that was Sweet Baby Rays, she would fuss and cry. I distracted her for all of 5 minutes with food of her own until I then walked out of the room...this then caused a terrible problem for my sweet little baby girl. It was total chaos after that until she fell asleep...she was not a happy camper.

I remember when I was younger and had several young cousins who used to throw themselves on the floor and bang their heads on the ground...why on earth a child would do that I'm not sure...but by golly Emma throws tantrums like the best of them! Perhaps it is a mixture of my stubbornness along with my husband's pigheadedness mixed with a bit of second child syndrome that causes these outbursts. But all I have to say is boy oh boy are they loud! It sounds as if she is getting bludgeoned to death as she lets out these blood curdling screams but in reality she just wants me to hold her and never let her down! Or sometimes it's she would like to wear a certain outfit or have something of Lily's that she can't, either way it is never a life or death situation. If she could only use some rational thought and express to me exactly what it is that she is needing, we could avoid these outbursts altogether, but alas she is only a mere year and half old...and rational thought is still about 25 years away! ;) So I must endure and remember that even in these trying times, she is one of the most beautiful babies in the world and God knew what He was doing when He gave her to me!

Friday, July 30, 2010

In the beginning

Let's see...I've never really been a great keeper in toucher but here goes...

I figure if maybe I create a blog, it will help me remember all the little things in life. I used to write monthly emails and regale all my poor readers with mindless musings from my quite sarcastic brain. We shall see if I still have what it takes.

"In the beginning, God created...." okay well I guess I won't start there. Life in Ohio has been somewhat busy the past few months. I still despise the Buckeyes and because I live in this wonderful city which is home to the worthless nuts, my hatred for the team has grown perhaps exponetionally over the past 5 years.  Wow! 5 years...I can't believe I've lived here for 5 years. There are days when I miss home---which yes even though I technically am a resident of Ohio, I think Wisconsin will forever be my home.

Onto other news. I'm back in school. This time for nursing...although I have seriously tossed around the idea of perhaps taking the MCAT (gasp) and maybe going the med school route. Right now, I'm taking classes at the local community college. Either I'll get my nursing degree from there or I'll continue onto a four year institution. I'd say college seems to be going a lot better for me now. Which is a big shocker to me since I have two children and work...but so far I'm doing exceptionally well. If all goes as planned, I will be applying to officially start my "nursing" classes next fall and all my "non-nursing" classes will be done. I'll keep you posted on that!

My beautiful children keep me pretty busy. Lily will be 4 in October and has already told me she would like another princess party. I can hardly contain my excitement! Emma thinks she's little miss big stuff. She's 18+ months old and is pure stubbornness but I wouldn't trade her for the world. It is my belief that second borns have to be tougher because they have to make themselves heard and seen amongst the first borns. She is head strong and when she puts her mind to something there is no stopping her. Watch out world!

The husband is back to working full time. School just wasn't for him and by school, I mean studying. His dream is to have a horse boarding business....we'll see how long that lasts. His most recent fascination is his new iPhone 4...which is quickly becoming the bane of my existence. Boys and their toys!

I suppose that is enough ramblings for one blog.  Good night world!