Monday, October 3, 2011

A lesson on tact

Okay this lovely post is inspired by my trip home yesterday from Chippewa Falls to Columbus. First and foremost, I want to say that despite all I wanted to say to this individual, I held my tongue because I was taught how to be gracious and tactful.

Alright, so just a quick little important message to everyone in the entire world, no matter the size of a pregnant lady whether she looks like 15 mack trucks plus an entire military fleet of tanks, do not under any circumstances elude to her largeness. Let me let you in on a little secret, pregnant women know that they become large and their every growing bellys become like the state of Texas, this does not need to be pointed out.

Let's move onto my story, I had just entered onto interstate 39 outside of Rockford, when my darling Emma said she had to go potty. Now, of course we had just stopped about 45 minutes ago so I was a little on edge but she said she had to go poo poo, and I didn't want that stinking up my car.  So I see a gas station at the first available exit and we take it. While my beautiful 2 year old is stinking up the place in her stall and I am holding the door for her, a rather rude inebriated woman comes into the bathroom. I do not make eye contact nor do I intend to engage her in conversation but she takes one look at me and says "wow, are you due?" To which I reply, "no I still have 8 weeks." Then the conversation goes "oh must be twins.." "nope..." and then "wow, it's going to be a huge baby." She then goes into her stall and fumbles for the toilet paper and lets out an expletive--despite having seen my young daughter Lily standing right next to me.

Now I'm just going to assume that she is not an OB/GYN but you know what they say when you assume....anyway, according to my doctor (who by the way is in fact an OB/GYN), I am measuring right on for my due date and the baby may be about mid-7's....which last time I checked, mid-7's does not a huge baby make.  The simple fact is, I did not ask for her opinion on my belly. I was not complaining and looking as if I was extremely miserable and uncomfortable. I know that my belly is huge and I'm aware that some people just need to point out the obvious but here are appropriate responses to a large pregnant belly:
     1. Wow, look at the beautiful belly!
     2. You look gorgeous/great/fabulous
     3. That baby bump looks great!
     4. When are you due? (only use this if you know for SURE that the lady is pregnant!)
Or something along those lines, if you can't give a compliment don't say something negative or what you may think is funny especially to a complete stranger.  I don't go up to random people in the store and say "wow, you look like your having octuplets that are about 5 months past due...." even if they look as if a baby is going to fall out of them at that very moment.

For the same reason we have tried to teach Lily that using the word fat to describe someone is not okay (we stress particularily that it may hurt the person's feelings, although it may be true), it is not okay to go and insult a pregnant lady. Granted both individuals the overweight (fat) one and the pregnant one may in fact elicit such a response, they are well aware of their current condition.

So next time you see a pregnant lady keep in mind she knows how big she looks, don't go asking if she's having twins and don't state that the baby is going to be huge. Because more than likely you have no idea how big the baby is going to be and unless you're the one pushing it out, it doesn't matter one bit to you!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

What's this? A new blog by Veronica??? Doth mine eyes deceive me??


Well, tons has happened since oh I don't February when I last blogged. You could say that I've been uber busy or something but really I have felt un-inspired to ramble about life. So let me begin by apologizing to my loyal readers, all 2 of you, out there. I know that your hearts have had a large hole in them since my last blog and I am terribly sorry for the pain and suffering I have caused you; however, I will not pay for your counseling that may be required nor will I pay for your hospital bills, as some may have suffered a mild heart attack upon seeing a new post from me. So in the words of Bo Ryan, "Deal with it."  Moving on.

The month of March brought on a ton of events for me. My dog became paralyzed, apparently having some sort of spinal cord embolism thing. My mom had to go and have biopsy's done (more on this topic to come). My dad decided he didn't want to be left out of the health scene and gotsome rather large kidney stones and ended up in the hospital as well.  However, with all the bad that happened in a mere 2 days, we found out that we are expecting our 3rd baby! So that brought our month of March to a rather happy end.

Let me just start this next part out with, cancer sucks! My mom's biopsy helped to diagnose her with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Yeah that's a mouthful. According to the research I've done, this is suppposed to be a non-aggressive, slow moving cancer that is extremely treatable. So that would seem like perhaps not too terribly awful to deal with, right? Well no, apparently my mom is one of those types of people that doesn't like to make things easy. Her body, more specifically her blood, has some sort of aggressive component in it that is causing her disease to progress in a more rapid nature. Talk about bad blood eh? Anyway, this has now prompted her doctor to begin chemo treatments starting on Tuesday actually---please keep her in your prayers and all of us (Marisa, John, and all her family) as we now begin a new venture in our lives.

Moving on, this 3rd pregnancy has been anything but uneventful. Okay let me explain, the pregnancy itself is going well, it's the doctor thing that is not. As some of you may know I am considered high-risk for my pregnancies---well okay I might not have to be high-risk; however, I guess if you have a blood clot in your brain after your first baby is born, a normal non-high risk OB does not want to deal with you. Anyway that being said, when I was pregnant with Emma, I got transferred to a high-risk doctor at OSU--yes you read correctly, my beautiful baby Emma unfortunately was born at evil, awful OSU.  This doctor was phenomenal, he put me right at ease and made me feel as if everything was under control. The pregnancy went well, he actually delivered my daughter (unlike my first OB) and so life went on. I assumed (how silly of me) that this time around would go just as nicely if not better--because I was already established with my doctor. HA! Anyway, I'm being seen by a doctor--who is not my first choice and hopefully my other doctor will return before this baby is born. Here's to hoping, fingers crossed!

This past weekend we had Lily's second ballet recital. She was absolutely positively adorable--and no I'm not just saying that! There are videos up on facebook if you don't believe me.  My dad and stepmom came down to see her in it...which is always a good time. We beat my dad and husband, not only once but twice! Yes it was a great Father's day present that I was so willing and able to give to them.

Well that about brings you up to speed on things. Roscoe (my paralyzed 80 lb dog) was only laid up for about month and has made an amazing recovery. I'm currently taking a break from school because well right now I don't have  the time or money for a master's program and I think I have quite a few things on my plate to keep me busy right now.  I hope that this blog has satisfied that aching need you all have been having. Until next time, adios!

Monday, February 7, 2011

We have won the Superbowl, no thanks to the United States Postal Service

Hello adoring fans:

I write today in sure bliss as my beloved Green Bay Packers have won the Super Bowl. However, the game would have been a bit better had the United States Postal Service been able to deliver my official Clay Matthews jersey prior to the big game. But alas, they tried to get me the jersey prior to kick-off, so I will give them an A for effort.

I guess my bigger problem is not with the USPS but with China---which by the way is from where the jersey was coming. And of course, when you think of NFL jerseys, China automatically crosses your mind. Not only is my problem the lack of communication (we had no idea how long it would take, the website said 5-10 days---it took 14) from said Chinese company that the husband ordered el cheapo jersey's from, but also the fact that my "women's" jersey is bedazzled and about the size of an American ladies small...which by the way is NOT the size I ordered! What upstanding Green Bay Packers fan, has a bedazzled jersey? I mean really....seriously, bedazzled--with fru fru sleeves! This was not what I had in mind and by the way, totally not what the picture showed me. It looks like I need to seriously drop some major poundage before kick-off next season, in order to get my money's worth out of this jersey. The sad fact is, I ordered a size that if an American company had made it, would have been too big on me! :( I am sorry China, I am not 4'10" and weigh 90 lbs. If you are going to be making jersey's for Americans then you best be understanding that we will go by the size chart you supply SO make your size chart reflect your product, thank you!

So maybe, just maybe I should be thanking the United States Postal Service because had I had this jersey yesterday, I would have been vastly disappointed...I still would have worn it--don't get me wrong, but disappointed! I am a true football fan and appreciate when jerseys have a certain type of authenticity....but what should I have expected from China---they do not understand the ways of American football or the fans! I will wear my bedazzled fru fru jersey with all the pride one can muster in that jersery, knowing that my boys brought the Lombardi trophy home!

Go Pack Go!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2010: A year in Review

Well since this is my first blog of the new year, I figured I begin by highlighting the events of last year:

January 2010: This month began with me going back to college. I took Anatomy and Human Growth and Development through the Lifespan---both classes were great and I enjoyed the content of each. Of course, going to a community college may be a bit easier than attending a big name university such as UW-Madison, but it was overall a good experience. Also in January, Emma Elizabeth turned 1. We celebrated by having loved ones come and celebrate at our house in normal Van Horn party fashion!

February 2010: We took the girls to see Disney on Ice which was a big hit. The only thing Lily could not get over was that Sleeping Beauty was not present---all of the other princesses were there but not her!

March 2010: We took a family road trip adventure to Florida. We drove the entire way non-stop and made it to Daytona Beach where we stayed at a hotel for a night and enjoyed the beach for a couple of days. We then made our way to St. Augustine to see the Fort there. Chris was hoping the girls would be much more enthused about the old stone fort than they were. However, we got to experience some cannon firings which made the admission charge semi-worth it. After St. Augustine, we headed to Blue Springs State (National??) Park to camp. And by camp, I mean really set up camp, you know with a tent and grilling over an open fire type of thing. We found our campsite and began to set up camp, of course it then poured rain down on our lovely not-so cheap tent which apparently was not at all water-proof.  The best part about Blue Springs was seeing the Manatees that come to winter there before heading out to sea. The water, I'm told, stays pretty warm all year round, so they come to nest there. The worst part about the whole camping experience was the soaked tent and blankets and bedding which did not dry out by night time. Also, forest rangers are pretty strict about what products can be burned. (on a side-note, husband's listen to your wives....because when they say, I don't think you should be burning that, they probably are right....just saying....) Since we froze that first night camping, we decided to pay Christopher's uncle Denny a visit and crash at his place for the remainder of our trip. We then spent only 1 day at Disney World---Magic Kingdom in particular. But we made the most out of it. We got there at like 10 am and stayed until 10 pm! Hey, if you knew the cost of admission you'd be staying all day too. The kids had a fun and the only thing Lily was upset about was not being able to get a picture with Sleeping Beauty....oh well there's always next time. The rest of the trip, we spent relaxing in a retirement community and enjoying the warmer climate.

April 2010: I took my second quarter worth of classes. Medical terminology(web-based) and Nurse Aid training were the courses of choice. I'd say both of these classes were laughable and made me want to poke my eyes out or bang my head against the wall every day of class. The only highlight of that darn nurse aid class was clinicals. We got to do some hands-on experience and take care of people in a nursing home oh I mean long-term care facility. The best part was interacting with them and hearing about their lives.

May-July 2010: Nothing seems to really stand out during these months. The children and I had some outings with the girls from work and their children. We had our annual Red, white and boom party which had some new people in attendance--but missed some of our regulars.

August 2010: Christopher and I celebrated our 6th year wedding anniversary. Yes, that is 6 years of marital bliss that we celebrated---and going strong.

September 2010: Found me contemplating my life goals again and readjusting my school schedule to better fit what I want to do with my life. I took a course called Marriage and Family Relations and thoroughly enjoyed it. This quest led me to think that I'd like to pursue a career in counseling and has me currently looking into Master's programs that offer such a degree.

October 2010:  This month had the Van Horn clan making yet another road trip. This time to Texas for my brother John's wedding to Margo. Both of my beautiful daughters were flower girls (and did a fabulous job) and the husband was groomsman. We had a great time and the kids loved playing with their cousins! This month also saw my Badgers beat the #1 ranked Buckeyes, which I'd say was the highlight of college football season for me. Also in October, we celebrated Lillian Grace's 4th birthday in true princess fashion. We had a wonderful Princess Party in which we encouraged guests to dress as royalty. She loved it and I cannot believe she is 4!

November 2010: Nothing really stands out except the fact that the husband dropped his beloved iphone 4 in the toilet which caused us to fork out some more money so the genius could get a new one! I worked Thanksgiving but got done early so I could still enjoy some Turkey and mashed potatoes with family.

December 2010: This month was welcomed with my birthday, on the 1st, and the husband's on the 4th. We had a "party" at our house for my birthday where we played a game called BezzerWizzer---that I still cannot believe my team lost. Chris' birthday was celebrated at his parents house, where Marissa and I created a game of charades that was all about Christopher. We also went to "How Many Kings" concert, with Alli Rogers, DownHere and Mark Schultz. It was amazing! This month also was when the pediatrician could get Lily in for her 4 year check-up---and they made her pee in a cup!! At 4!! Seriously, that was an experience for me, let me tell you! At this appointment, she got her ears pierced as part of her Christmas present. Let's just say, I hope she is not severely traumatized. Also, this was the first time in 3 years, I have been able to go home for Christmas. We drove to Wisconsin and spent about 5 days visiting family and celebrating Christmas. It was a wonderful time. The end of the month had Lily getting her hair cut because I got my cut. Her hair is adorable---but we have lost her curls in the back!  New Year's Eve we celebrated at a hotel room where I let Lily's friend Kate come and stay with us. We had a good time and giggling girls are fun!

January 2011: This year could definitely started out better---my Badgers could have won the rose bowl, but alas they fell short. However, on an up note, the Packers made the playoffs--so here's hoping for the best! This coming weekend, we are having a Dora themed party for Emma's birthday which is actually the 10th. Life is good for us in Ohio and I hope that is wonderful for all of you as well!