Monday, October 11, 2010

Location, location, location

Hello all:

The title for today's post came as I was driving cross country to Texas. Okay let's be honest it's not cross country entirely but hey it was 1200 miles away! Anywho, while I was driving down the Music Highway of life...literally the part of interstate that I was on was called the Music Highway, I came across quite an interesting billboard. First of all let me explain where I was...I was careening my in-laws' prius down a mildly steep grade of a hill (or Mountain...) in the bible belt of Tennessee, when a billboard caught my eye. This aforementioned sign said "Prepare to meet thy God." Of course at 1:30 AM I found this pretty darn funny. It was located on the side of a hill and in order to read it, you really had to not be paying attention to your driving. I thought it was a great message and in reality I'm guessing more people end up getting to meet their God sooner rather than later after reading that! Talk about evangelizing! I mean who thought to put this message on a side of a mountain on a curve? But I guess it has a message and afterall it is all about location.

Speaking of location, who decides names of towns anyway? I mean we entered into Arkansas and came across a mile marker sign for Cotton Plant. Seriously folks, Cotton Plant? I mean really...was there a massive amount of cotton plants in that area at one point in time. What do you say yes I'm from Cotton Plant Arkansas and right down the road the next town over is Corn Field Arkansas? Creativity apparently has gone out the window in that part of the country. Of course this is also the state that is home to Arkadelphia--I'm sorry did I miss the part in geography where Arkansas is close to Philadelphia--because that it was it makes me think of. Maybe my mind was just confused because we were coming up on Texarkana and passing near Arklatex-which apparently is where Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma meet up. 

After we made it to Texas I encountered some of the worst drivers in the country! For example, say hypothetically you're sitting in a nice H3 Hummer-orange in color at stop light, when bam all of a sudden a car that turns the corner slams right into your rear-end! Hello folks, it's not like we were in some tiny smart car that you can't see! Also, do people even look when changing lanes anymore? Apparently nobody down in Texas has heard of a blindspot.

All in all, however we had a good trip and the girls were great during the ride! Driving straight through does take it's toll on all of us. So now I'm off to catch up on some zzzz's so that I can work tomorrow!