"Little Pig, Little pig, let me in..." "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin," replied the little pig. Or a different more favorable version, "Open up ham hocks or I'll chew on your face."
As I lay with my sweet baby Emma, I'm reminded of the "not by the hair of my chinny chin chin." I have failed miserably in the getting her to sleep by herself so now, she sometimes enjoys to hold on with a death grip to my chin/neck area. Perhaps she's just feeling out my jugular, in case I decide to leave her, she knows where to go for the kill! I do have to say though, as much as children can run you ragged, and by golly they can, there is nothing in life more precious than holding a sleeping baby or watching your children sleep. Perhaps as they get older, pure contentment comes with knowing you have a moments peace while they are resting. As a parent gazes lovingly on their sleeping child, with a smile of pure satisfaction as the Hallelujah Chorus rings triumphantly in their head, they know that just for a moment all is right with the world.
I know many of my posts have been about my children but in all honesty most of my inspiration for this blog seems to stem from them. So until something more awesome than them comes into my life, which I'll let you in a on little secret won't happen, I'll be blogging about them or whatever else comes to mind. So enjoy!
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