Saturday, June 25, 2011

What's this? A new blog by Veronica??? Doth mine eyes deceive me??


Well, tons has happened since oh I don't February when I last blogged. You could say that I've been uber busy or something but really I have felt un-inspired to ramble about life. So let me begin by apologizing to my loyal readers, all 2 of you, out there. I know that your hearts have had a large hole in them since my last blog and I am terribly sorry for the pain and suffering I have caused you; however, I will not pay for your counseling that may be required nor will I pay for your hospital bills, as some may have suffered a mild heart attack upon seeing a new post from me. So in the words of Bo Ryan, "Deal with it."  Moving on.

The month of March brought on a ton of events for me. My dog became paralyzed, apparently having some sort of spinal cord embolism thing. My mom had to go and have biopsy's done (more on this topic to come). My dad decided he didn't want to be left out of the health scene and gotsome rather large kidney stones and ended up in the hospital as well.  However, with all the bad that happened in a mere 2 days, we found out that we are expecting our 3rd baby! So that brought our month of March to a rather happy end.

Let me just start this next part out with, cancer sucks! My mom's biopsy helped to diagnose her with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Yeah that's a mouthful. According to the research I've done, this is suppposed to be a non-aggressive, slow moving cancer that is extremely treatable. So that would seem like perhaps not too terribly awful to deal with, right? Well no, apparently my mom is one of those types of people that doesn't like to make things easy. Her body, more specifically her blood, has some sort of aggressive component in it that is causing her disease to progress in a more rapid nature. Talk about bad blood eh? Anyway, this has now prompted her doctor to begin chemo treatments starting on Tuesday actually---please keep her in your prayers and all of us (Marisa, John, and all her family) as we now begin a new venture in our lives.

Moving on, this 3rd pregnancy has been anything but uneventful. Okay let me explain, the pregnancy itself is going well, it's the doctor thing that is not. As some of you may know I am considered high-risk for my pregnancies---well okay I might not have to be high-risk; however, I guess if you have a blood clot in your brain after your first baby is born, a normal non-high risk OB does not want to deal with you. Anyway that being said, when I was pregnant with Emma, I got transferred to a high-risk doctor at OSU--yes you read correctly, my beautiful baby Emma unfortunately was born at evil, awful OSU.  This doctor was phenomenal, he put me right at ease and made me feel as if everything was under control. The pregnancy went well, he actually delivered my daughter (unlike my first OB) and so life went on. I assumed (how silly of me) that this time around would go just as nicely if not better--because I was already established with my doctor. HA! Anyway, I'm being seen by a doctor--who is not my first choice and hopefully my other doctor will return before this baby is born. Here's to hoping, fingers crossed!

This past weekend we had Lily's second ballet recital. She was absolutely positively adorable--and no I'm not just saying that! There are videos up on facebook if you don't believe me.  My dad and stepmom came down to see her in it...which is always a good time. We beat my dad and husband, not only once but twice! Yes it was a great Father's day present that I was so willing and able to give to them.

Well that about brings you up to speed on things. Roscoe (my paralyzed 80 lb dog) was only laid up for about month and has made an amazing recovery. I'm currently taking a break from school because well right now I don't have  the time or money for a master's program and I think I have quite a few things on my plate to keep me busy right now.  I hope that this blog has satisfied that aching need you all have been having. Until next time, adios!